Villa Fa, location de prestige à Porto Pollo, en Corse du Sud


The villa is located at the end of the seaside resort of Porto Pollo.
This is the Serra di Ferro in the Taravo.

Located 70 km from Ajaccio, 80 km from Figari, 15 km from Propriano

GPS : 41.7002997  8.7889588

To reach us :

From Ajaccio:
You should take a southerly direction towards Bonifacio.
Two routes are available to you.
Shortest will take you through the picturesque but narrow, winding roads through the villages of Pila Canale and Serra di Ferro. Predict 1:15.
Découvrir l'itinéraire sur Google Map Discover the route on Google Map
The more "comfortable" will follow the national to Propriano, then branching off to the XX Olmeto and Porto Pollo.
Provide 1:30 to 1:45.
Route through Petreto Bichisano and route by Olmeto

Itinéraire par Petreto Bichisano et itinéraire par Olmeto Plage

From Figari and Porto Vecchio
Much more comfortable, the arrival from Figari airport is also simpler.
You will need to join the leadership of Propriano you will pass towards Olmeto.
Then take the DXX management Olmeto and Porto Pollo. provide 1:30
Itinéraire depuis l'aéroport de Figari sud Corse Directions from South Corsica Figari airport

En images
Serra di ferro
Propriano ©lbat
Sartene ©lbat
Campomoru ©lbat
Venir en Corse ©lbat
Port et village Porto Pollo
Les statues de Filitosa ©wikipedia
Cupabia et immortelles de Corse